Ruth Haddock

Ruth Haddock

August 15, 1929 - July 21, 2023

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ruth Haddock, 93, on July 21, 2023, at her home of over sixty years in the community of West Hill. Widow of John Crawford (Jack) Haddock. Mother of Laura (deceased), Steven and Lisa. Sister of Dorothy (Doe) Medley (deceased), Norman Prince and Audrey Warriner. Mother, secretary, artist, tap-dancer and Blue Jays fan. Ruth was native Hamiltonian and longtime Tiger-Cat fan, having grown up in the shadow of the Hamilton AAA grounds. She moved to Toronto after World War II and married Jack in 1951, eventually moving to Scarborough in 1956 where she remained the rest of her life. In addition to raising her children and running her household, she worked frequently as a secretary and bookkeeper, as well as assisting with Jack’s contracting business. In the 1970s, she took up painting, a passion she pursued well into her eighties winning several jury prizes for her work. She became involved in the executive of the Art Guild of Scarborough as its president and secretary, as well as being a member of the Scarborough Arts Council and the East Central Ontario Arts Association. She also taught art to seniors at a nearby retirement community. Her art, which includes buyers in England, Ireland, the United States and Japan, leaves a lasting legacy. She found more joy in hosting both of her large extended families, and the families of her close friends at her home. That included Christmas parties for both the Haddocks and her large group of friends, made all the better by her exceptional cooking and baking skills. She was an aunt in fact to 18 nieces and nephews, and always referred to as “Aunt Ruth” by all the children of her close friends. Her quick wit, infectious laugh and fondness for telling stories by using distinct dramatic voices for all the parties involved will always be remembered. She also enjoyed gardening and her garden provided inspiration for much of her artwork. An avid reader, she could always be found with her nose in a book or newspaper. In lieu of flowers, we would very much appreciate donations to the Alzheimer’s Society of Toronto, who provided invaluable assistance to us in the later stages of Ruth’s life. (https://on.alz.to/site/Donation2;jsessionid=00000000.app20094a?utm_source=website&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=website_banner&df_id=2141&mfc_pref=T&2141.donation=form1&NONCE_TOKEN=F517FF21B0643C83EC3A34D30E5C4D42#buttonsection). We would also like to thank dozens of friends, family, caregivers, and organizations for their help and guidance during this time: The Oshawa Senior Community Centres (John St.); the nurses of St. Elizabeth Health Care; the PSWs of VHA and TransCare Community Support Services; the volunteers and palliative care team from Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities; Hilary from the Carefirst Family Health Team (Remote Care Monitoring Program); Health and Community Care Support Services Central East; Dr.Samuel Direnfeld; as well as friends, neighbours and family who provided constant support: Janice, Greg, Ernie & Jo-Ann, Cathy, Marlan, Marilyn, Tiina, Sharon, Naomi, Qurat, Nirasha, and Barb. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, August 19, 2023, 1-4 p.m. at the Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, Cedar Ridge Park, 225 Confederation Drive, Scarborough M1G 1B2 (South of Lawrence Avenue E., East of Scarborough Golf Club Road.)

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