Barbara Sandic

Barbara Sandic

June 24, 1956 - December 2, 2022

Barbara was born in Baranja Croatia, 66 years ago, the youngest of seven Farkas children. She had faced many hardships throughout her young life, but the biggest one was surviving the civil war in Croatia in which she'd lost her loving husband Ivan in 1992. Surviving the next several years and keeping herself and her young daughter safe was an immense challenge. But, in 1997, an opportunity to escape this environment and imigrate to Canada presented itself. After going through the necessary process, Barbara and her daughter started their new life in Regina, SK, the following year in March. Barb tried her hardest to navigate English as her third language (she spoke Hungarian, too) but was quite shy about her speaking skills. Even so, she was successfully hired as a Regina Hospital Laundry Services Aide, a job she was very proud of doing well, until they shuttered their doors permanently in 2013(?). Barb preferred a quiet, peacefull lifestyle and had a very small circle of close friends she enjoyed coffee visits with. She enjoyed Internet chats with her friends and family still living in Croatia, and watching music videos on YouTube. She loved to laugh, whether it was a good joke, a silly cat video or a comedy movie. She'd also immerse herself in reading various religious literature but her favorite to come back to, was always the Bible. May her soul finally rest in peace.

Memories & Condolences