
Where in the United States is Aquamation Legal or Allowed?

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Last updated: March 7, 2022

Aquamation— sometimes called water cremation or flameless cremation— is legal or allowable for use on human remains in almost half of U.S. states, with legislation pending in many more. You may see it referenced by its technical name: alkaline hydrolysis.

Learn more about aquamation in this in-depth Q&A article.

See U.S., state-by-state aquamation status below, including Washington D.C.
(For Canada, see this aquamation status table.)

Aqumation technology is allowable for use on pets in all U.S. states (as well as Washington D.C.) and in all Canadian provinces and territories.

U.S. State Status Notes
Alabama Legal  
Alaska Under consideration  
Arizona Law is pending  
Arkansas Not legal  
California Legal Law passed in July 2020
Colorado Legal Colorado legalized alkaline hydrolysis in 2011 when it changed its definition of cremation.
Connecticut Approved  
Delaware Not legal  
Florida Legal  
Georgia Legal  
Hawaii Law is pending Bill introduced in Feb. 2022
Idaho Legal  
Illinois Legal  
Indiana Not legal  
Iowa Not legal  
Kansas Legal  
Kentucky Not legal  
Louisiana Not legal  
Maine Legal Alkaline hydrolysis was legalized in Maine in 2009, when the Maine Attorney General approved a new definition of cremation
Maryland  Legal  Maryland legalized alkaline hydrolysis in 2010, when the state explicitly defined cremation to include processes other than heat and flame.
Massachusetts Not legal  
Michigan Available but no law Alkaline hydrolysis appears to be happening in Michigan, but no statutes or regulations explicitly allow it
Minnesota Legal In 2003, Minnesota became the first U.S. state to legalize alkaline hydrolysis for humans.
Mississippi Not yet  
Missouri Allowed, no statute The process is considered a legal method of final disposition because state
Montana Not legal
Nebraska Not legal
Nevada Legal Alkaline hydrolysis was legalized in May 2017
New Hampshire Not currently legal but was previously legal Alkaline hydrolysis was legalized briefly in New Hampshire in 2006 but the law was repealed in 2008. A new bill in 2013 failed. One funeral home in Jaffrey, New Hampshire sends human remains to Maine to be legally aquamated.
New Jersey Law pending
New Mexico Not legal
New York Law pending
North Carolina Legal Law passed October 1, 2018
North Dakota Not legal
Ohio Allowable, but no law yet
Oklahoma Not legal, under consideration
Oregon Legal Alkaline hydrolysis became legal in Oregon in 2009, after the state updated its definition of "final disposition" to include the dissolution of human remains
Pennsylvania Law pending
Rhode Island Not legal
South Carolina Not legal
South Dakota Not legal
Tennessee Not legal
Texas Not legal, law pending A house bill outlining regulations has yet to be approved
Utah Legal Utah passed a bill specifically allowing for alkaline hydrolysis in 2018
Vermont Legal Alkaline hydrolysis was legalized in Vermont in 2014
Virginia Not legal
Washington Legal Washington's law allowing alkaline hydrolysis went into effect May 1, 2020
Washington D.C. Not legal Available and legal in nearby Maryland
West Virginia Not legal
Wisconsin Not legal
Wyoming Legal In 2014, Wyoming made alkaline hydrolysis allowable when it expanded the state's Funeral Services Practitioners Act to cover "chemical disposition."