
Cremation Cost in Orlando Florida

5 min read
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A cremation in Orlando, Florida will typically cost $1,000 to $3500 for the most affordable direct cremation packages. Fees can also at times dip sub-$1,000 in the city for a very simple cremation.

More elaborate cremation funerals with a viewing or repast can cost in the $5,000 to $7,000 range.

Our team at Eirene Cremations has outlined the standard service options and costs for cremation funerals in Orlando, Florida below to help you better understand what fees you can expect to pay, and what is optional or required when selecting final arrangements with a cremation option.

Note: Need to make cremation arrangements now? Click here

Itemized costs for an Orlando cremation

Here is an itemized summary of the fees you can expect to pay for cremation arrangements in Orlando. The following charts include the median cost in the U.S. according to a 2021 study by the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) and a price range for Orlando based on an aggregation of several sources researched by our team at Eirene Cremations.

Service/Product Median Funeral Cost for 2021 (According to the NFDA)Orlando FL Price Range
Professional services and staff fees$2,300 $200 to over $2,500+
Documentation N/A (likely included in basic staff fees) $100 to $400+

Death certificate: $10 for certified copy ($5 for additional copies)
Transportation Transporting remains to funeral home: $350

Service car/van: $150
Storage N/A Starts around $50 per day or $200 to $500+ range
Embalming $775 $600 to $800+
Cremation facility cost$368Starts around $300
Body preparation$275$100 to $300+
Cremation casket/containerCasket: $1,310

Alternative Cremation Container: $150
Casket: $100 to $5,000+

Cremation container: Under $500
Urn$295$10 to $2,000+
Ceremony/celebrationsUse of facilities/staff for viewing: $450
Use of facilities/staff for funeral ceremony: $515
$0 to $3,000+
Urn intermentN/A$200 to $3,000+

Note: References to the "median cost" of services discussed are based on the NFDA study referenced above.

Detailed cremation costs in Orlando by category

Below, we have provided additional information on the cost categories itemized above to help you better understand cremation costs in Orlando.

Cremation documentation in Orlando

Cremation documentation is usually completed with the help of a licensed funeral home. However, it is legal for a family to conduct funeral services independently if desired.

Standard cremation paperwork in Florida includes:

  • Death certificate
  • Vital Statistics Form
  • Cremation authorization form
  • Release form

Documentation costs

Funeral documentation fees fall between $100 to $300+ on average when completed by a funeral provider.

When the deceased's family handles paperwork, they primarily have to pay for the death certificate. This costs $10 for a certified copy and $5 for additional copies. (Learn more). The remaining paperwork is often provided for free or included in the funeral package.

Transportation of a body in Orlando

For cremation funerals, the body must be transported from the place of death to where it will be prepared and cremated.

Transportation (or "transfer") fees are usually $100 and up. Traditional cremation services (e.g., viewing, visitation, etc.) may incur additional transportation fees (e.g., service car/van).

Storage and preservation

Soon after death, bodies start to undergo natural physiological changes. This process can be slowed using refrigeration or embalming. In Florida, th elaw requires that a body be embalmed refrigerated within 24 hours of death.

Body storage fees, often called "sheltering," begin at about $50 per day, ranging from $200 to $500+. In Orlando, embalming costs average $600 to $800.

Cremation vs. aquamation

Cremation and aquamation both reduce a deceased person's body to remains that are called “ashes.” To help you understand the difference between the two disposition options, here is a brief explanation:

Cremation: This heat based disposition process produces coarse grey or brown ashes or "cremated remains" by exposing a deceased person's body to extreme heat in a chamber.Aquamation: This process, also referred to as water cremation, uses the chemical process of alkaline hydrolysis to reduce remains to a fine, white, or tan powder. Heat and pressure are used to accelerate a natural process that would occur if a body was buried in the ground.

Body disposition and preparation costs

Costs vary between cremation and aquamation, but the differences are not drastic. For example, direct cremation packages often fall below $2,000. However, direct aquamation prices fall between $1,000 and $3,000+ on average in the U.S. (Note: No funeral providers currently offer aquamation in Orlando).

Included in a provider's funeral package is a fee that pays for the crematorium services. The facility cost for the cremation process typically starts around $300

Body preparation for cremation typically costs $100 to $300.

Body preparation costs

Because heat is used in the cremation process, medical implants that contain a battery or pose a safety risk to crematorium staff must be removed. Other implants (e.g. dental fillings) remain with the body. Any remnant metal is recycled after the process.

Metal medical implants are not destroyed during aquamation, so they do removal, unless there is a legal requirement. However, clothing and personal items that are not protein-based (e.g., wool) will be removed.

Additional body preparations, such as embalming, makeup, dressing, may be performed if requested.

Professional and staff fees

Funeral providers charge a general fee for standard services, such as planning, logistics, event coordination, etc. It may also include services discussed above (e.g., paperwork). These fees cost between $200 to $2,500, depending on what is included.

Urn purchase

A cremation urn is a decorative container that holds cremated remains or "ashes". The cost can range anywhere from $10 for a simple container to over $2,000 for a more ornate urn. Cost depends on the type of urn, material, size, etc. Learn more.

Casket or cremation container

Some funeral providers will charge an additional fee for the cremation container. The containers are often simple and affordable. Families that opt for cremation with a viewing may also purchase a more ornate casket. Some providers offer rentals of caskets for memorial events.

Cremation containers often cost under $500. Casket pricing can range from $100 to over $5,000 depending on style, design, material, etc.

Urn interment

Ashes can be interred in the ground or a columbarium (a structure to house urns). Interment fees include the cost of a burial plot or niche (which are designated areas for urn in a columbarium), maintenance fees, grave markers, etc.

A single niche or urn burial plot in Orlando typically starts around $700 to $800. However, pricing can vary drastically based on location, demand, plot/niche size, etc.

Interment fees for burial plot or niche interment range from $200 to over $3,000.

Cremation ceremonies and celebrations of life

There are virtually endless funeral ceremonies or celebration options. And they can be held before cremation (e.g., wake) or after (e.g., memorial dinner).

Formal ceremonies cost $2,000 and up. However, informal activities like a scattering ceremony can be almost cost free. More elaborate celebrations may run over $1,000 if they are catered or require a venue.

Sales tax in Orlando

Expect to pay a state sales tax of 6.5 per cent on most products and services mentioned in this post.

Programs to help with cremation costs

See our helpful guide on help for low income families with funeral costs in Florida.

Articles about cremation cost in Florida

Articles that answer questions about cremation in Florida